Researches on science and health and other related fields are invited for presentation on the 2nd Multi-disciplinary Research Forum which will be held on December 11, 2015. The Research Presentation is open to all the member-institutions of the Health Research and Development Consortium Region IV-A (HRDCR IV-A).  Staff and faculty members of research institutes, medical and paramedical schools, hospitals and other health related agencies may submit entries to HRDCR IV-A on/or before November 12, 2015.  Submitted research project can be those studies funded by the Philippine National Health Research System (PCHRD-DOST; DOH; CHED and UP Manila); the member-institutions of HRDCR IV-A and/or other local and international funding institutions.  


The mechanics are as follows:


1. There will be a plenary session for the presentation of the qualified research projects.

2. Review and evaluation of all submitted entries will be facilitated by HRDCR IV-A. Technical review and evaluation will be composed of content and methodology experts.

3.A total of five (5) completed papers will be selected for presentation.  Qualified research projects will be selected based on the following set of criteria:

3.1    Technically and ethically sound;

3.2    Research results provided new ideas/knowledge.

3.3    The output, outcome and the impact of the study have relevant contribution to society and economy.

4. For the screening process, a copy of the completed paper including abstracts shall be submitted to HRDCR IV-A.  Please follow the format below:

4. 1. Font and Size: Times New Roman, 12 point

4. 2. Title Centered, bold, upper case

4. 3. Authors: centered, sentence case. Kindly indicate affiliation, address, and email address. The name of the presenting author should be underlined.

4. 4. Body of abstract: justified



NOTE: Notice of acceptance will be sent on November 18, 2015. Registration is FREE.


For further inquiries and submission of entries, you may contact Ms. Reinachell T. Dacdac, HRDCR IV-A Staff at (046) 481-8000 local 4000 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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